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The journey from AAREPNY to CURE

Founded in 1990 as the African American Real Estate Professionals of New York, Inc. the organization was formed to advance African-American professionals and businesses in the real estate industry, advancing real estate development in African-American communities and developing awareness of African-Americans in real estate related subject matters. Since then the organization has grown to over 700 members in the New York City metropolitan area, spurring chapters in Washington D.C, Boston, North Carolina, and Atlanta.

As a non-profit solely dedicated to the interest of African-Americans, the work to sustain a mission of inclusion and diversity was critically examined to ensure continued relevance, impact, and value to all common stakeholders.

In 2014 AAREPNY embarked on a major rebranding, to expand its brand and the positive impact it has enjoyed within the real estate industry, introducing the new Council of Urban Real Estate (CURE). New programming was designed to address real and often overlooked issues facing minorities and women and their pursuit of leadership within the real estate industry. Ultimately, the true power of CURE lies in the hearts and minds of the ever-increasing number of diverse real estate professionals that we serve, and the broader industry where they and valued stakeholders act as ambassadors, carrying forward the message and vision of


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